Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1759.01.05

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Index Entry Amherst, while crouds attend you on your way [fl] 
Location Portsmouth 
5 Jan 1759:22 (118)
TO GENERAL AMHERST.  By a young gentleman.
Amherst, while crouds attend you on your way
The debt of love and gratitude to pay;
To greet the hero, heav'n was pleas'd t' employ,
To scourge our foes, and give our country joy;
Permit the muse to join the grateful throng,
And pay the joyful tribute of a song:
Oh! may her song obtain thy gentle smile,
While thus she bids you welcome to our isle.
Hail, Amherst, brave! illustrious hero, hail!
Fain wou'd the muse repeat the pleasing tale;
[31 more lines, signed]  Nassovicus.
. . . [2 lines in Latin attributed to Virgil]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1759.01.05 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0023358
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